Hi Jim, I am currently studying a fine art degree in the south of England. My current module is the body which gave me the opportunity to come across your work. I have always been a huge fan of surrealism and find your work truely inspiring. I have just ordered your book and will look forward to finding out more. Yours sincerely
Leigh Martin
When I was asked by Capitol Records to paint horses for the cover of Bob Seger’s Against The Wind record album cover, I told them “I don’t do horses”. They said “You can do it” so I did.
This album became #1 on the Billboard chart and won a Grammy Award for Best Album Package 1981.
Hi Jim, I am currently studying a fine art degree in the south of England. My current module is the body which gave me the opportunity to come across your work. I have always been a huge fan of surrealism and find your work truely inspiring. I have just ordered your book and will look forward to finding out more. Yours sincerely
Leigh Martin
This has always been one of my most favorite album covers ever! Love this painting!